October 16th update

Adam, Blake, Elena, Dani, Mikki, Sean, and Travis are group of students in Animation at Seneca this is our blog of our art work, and on occasion things that are worth noting as reference or whatever.

Cheers and enjoy your visit.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Strawberry Layout

Sketched originally for a Strawberry themed contest at DeviantArt, finished today for Adam's. On 2.5x3.5 tiny canvas lol. I didn't sketch on it before so the house is a little off perspective wise... and symmetrically lol. I was going to do this digitally originally, but I got frustrated ^^; Maybe next time

It's an Artist Trading Card... You guys should look into em :P


  1. I love it! It's so sweet and simple!

  2. wow! i love your tree! dani, you've rendered the sketch really nicely!

    my only critiques are maybe the path could have a bit of a more interesting placementwhere it's closer to us, and the grass could be fluffing up right around the edges of the path~

    ... <3 strawberries

  3. thanks guys. where would you suggest it placement wise? like in the sketch? fluff would be good haha

  4. i agree with adam on the pathway. it could have gone behind it maybe? so it would be going alongside it? but ur ttree is soooooooooo pretty. and the colours!!! why cant i stop loving ur colours!!!

    theres a tangent in the back with ur strawberry hill and ur tree. i think u coulda brought that out more to the left so it passes the trees left more.
