Alright, so this is my first post. Ever. On a blog that is. I have been dealing with shit at home, but mainly I just lack the ability to draw and finish things and I think they look like crap and I don't want to try to finish them. So, yea... This is what I put together.

Alright. Adam I moved the hand to a lower position because of the gaze in her eyes looking past the hand as if at some target or opponent. So I figured I make her into some sort of punk street fighter girl who came from that anime you showed me with the 2 boys who 'rule the city' or something. I don't know what it's called, sorry.
So I kept her eyes forward to look beyond her front hand and then drew the other one to help prove that she is in a fighting stance. I also expanded the canvas to show more shoulder and forearm; you can just imagine that the two come together as one whole arm.
With the hand so large I had to give it dominance and some detail, so I added a leather glove where you can see some stitching and had her tie some shoe lace around her wrist for more of a badass appeal.
Speaking of badass-ness, I gave her piercings and more slanted and dark eyes to portray her as as her and not confusing her for a him. I also took out the tongue because I don't know what tongue would hold itself like that. I mean, it looks like she about to rape some poor little mexican girl trying to cross the border. So I took out the sexual tongue and was satisfied with a half grin to go for an expression that is slightly amused but not underestimating her next opponent. And the collar is just for the hell of it; longer neck for a feminine touch but the collar hides it to the degree to show toughness because Lucy wants to look like she can kick anyone's ass and not a girly girl.
And no, I am not colouring it. Me and colour just don't get along. So this is as close to complete as it really gets at the moment.
ReplyDeletemenes, i like this a lot, it's really funky
do you remember that lil girl from inspector gadget? she looks like that, but grownnnnnn
that you so much for the feedback! i appreciate that you wrote several paragraphs on this, even though it was initially just a lil fifteener, didn't expect people to give such great feedback.
now i guess i have to make it cool yeah?
You'd better Adam!
ReplyDeleteha ha ha
Looks like Sean's version is the winner.
Only problem I have Sean it the tiny hand you placed on her in the back there. It's Soooo tiny.
Everything else you did I think i like better then Mine or Adam's
The background really helps too.
See? You can too draw, you moron! :P
i once saw a dude walkin on the street who had one big hand and an itsy bitsy one
ReplyDeleteso don't worry shawn :B
no time to draw other then for my hw, so here!
ReplyDeletekk i like seans pose with the second hand, but i also agree with the hand being too small in the background.
adam, the problem with your tongue is that it didnt look like it was attached into her mouth. i think u can go with what travis did, how its going over the teeth. the problem with yours was that u made it get fatter when it came out of the mouth. tongues get thinner, but u had this bulge cuz u wanted it to curve. just stick with what travis did, and u can make it as long as u want from there and have that flick of a curve at the tip if you want, just make sure its a triangle....also was she drooling?
i like seans front hand, but the ttransition from adams to travis' to sean's is that the OOMPH was lost. the hand, while the size looks better, lost how articulate it looked in adams sketch. i know sean made it more feminin, but for the feel of the drawing, it looks like the pose was supposed to be like WAPOW MUTHA FUCKAAA!
i was okay with the angle of the arm though in adams drawing, it made the pose more dynamic, like u know her right shoulder is more down then the other, and shes leaning towards the viewer, rather then just standing level.
i like the movement in seans pigtails, but i like the messy ones. he is the one who made her look most like a girl though. you need eyelashes, even if they are orange and crazy. a lower cut top will help, and the fact that her hairline went way over her ear in the first coloured version freaks me out. sean and travis didnt do that.
with the structure of her actual head...i like the curve of her cheek in both seans and travis'. the less angles the more girly she is. HOWEVER, adam, in ur first sketch u had the back of her head flat. DO THAT.
sean did it too, it makes the neck look longer, and keep ur shoulder at that sharp angle too. again, ads to the disbalance in her body. the line on her shirt helped with that, but when u coloured it, shes got this huge trapezius all of a sudden. thats a boy thing. dont give that to girls. EVER. thats for all of u.
anywho. i think thats it. correct me if im wrong ^___^.