October 16th update

Adam, Blake, Elena, Dani, Mikki, Sean, and Travis are group of students in Animation at Seneca this is our blog of our art work, and on occasion things that are worth noting as reference or whatever.

Cheers and enjoy your visit.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


so here's everything i did... but im gonna do a final image! i promise!


  1. Ooooh I'll hold you to it.

    Your colours are quite fun and I think that these black ink lines are awesome they might be one for the closest for line quality.

    I think that's you as close to hiccup correct?

    Yeah I think you'd want to go in a more viking direction. That green looks like an over shirt. And the purple undershirt seems a little weird.

    My favorite is the second drawing you posted.
    The mouth and tongue are quite fun.

  2. oh, for some reason it cuts off half the images... you can see them in full if you click on them.
