October 16th update

Adam, Blake, Elena, Dani, Mikki, Sean, and Travis are group of students in Animation at Seneca this is our blog of our art work, and on occasion things that are worth noting as reference or whatever.

Cheers and enjoy your visit.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Howl's Moving Castle

Fanart for howl and sophie! i was watching it and decided to do it! i hate colouring, so its really rough, and for some reason all my cool brushes decided to run away! yay! comments are appreciated!

ALSO! this was coloured with a mouse!!! not a tablet!! so it sucks moreso cuz of that.

p.s. i tried to load up my last animation assignment but it wouldnt >__<

1 comment:

  1. Huh, I was sketching some HMC too lol.
    I like, it looks like a painting <3 really nice feel to it mik :3
