October 16th update

Adam, Blake, Elena, Dani, Mikki, Sean, and Travis are group of students in Animation at Seneca this is our blog of our art work, and on occasion things that are worth noting as reference or whatever.

Cheers and enjoy your visit.

Monday, September 13, 2010

iz a pirate! (and some other stuff)

First Mr. Pirate Man (aka Grog McGee)

And here's some older stuff (newest to oldest) - most of it is unfinished ... because either I'm bored of it or I don't know how to finish it :/

Sweet tits that's some hot links batman!

Here are all the blogs etc where I get all my images from:
http://ashleybambaland.blogspot.com/ Ashely Wood
http://gotcheeks.blogspot.com/ Sean Cheeks Galloway (Char designer for Spectacular Spiderman)
http://www.skottieyoung.com/ Skottie Young
http://southerngfxblog.blogspot.com/ Glen Southern (he did my creature last semester)
http://stephensilver.blogspot.com/ Stephen Silver
http://sushixav.blogspot.com/ Gobelins Grad (via Adam)
http://thomasperkins.blogspot.com/ Thomas Perkins
http://antoniosantamaria.blogspot.com/ Antonio Santamaria (he's awesome if only cause his name is Antonio)\
http://coyotesaskia.blogspot.com/ Saskia Gutenkunst
http://katiecandraw.typepad.com/katiecandrawcom_internet_/ Katie
http://francisbarrios.blogspot.com/ Francis Barrio
http://waltergatus.blogspot.com/ Walter Gatus
http://makismlost.blogspot.com/ Maxime Mary (3rd Year Gobelins Student)
http://makism-book.blogspot.com/ more Maxime
http://search.deviantart.com/?q=gallery:cuson/310467&section= Cuson
http://search.deviantart.com/?q=gallery:Mr--Jack/78515&section= Mr--Jack (concept artist for Blizzard)
http://search.deviantart.com/?q=gallery:ToddNauck/435814&section= Todd Nauck (Penciler for some of Spider Man Back in Black)
http://ezdraws.blogspot.com/ Eytan Zana
http://grantgould.blogspot.com/ Grant Gould
http://inspectorcleuzo.blogspot.com/ Sandro Cleuzo
http://search.deviantart.com/?q=gallery:Lancer-X/891575&section= Lancer X
http://larolaro.blogspot.com/ Rob Laro
http://shaneprigmore.blogspot.com/ Shane Prigmore
http://search.deviantart.com/?q=gallery:W4M1/115687&section= W4M1
http://uminga.deviantart.com/gallery/ guy that did the super cutie superheroes

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ms. Cartwright

Really fast paint and sketch (in the reverse order ;| ) -about 20mins-

Friday, September 10, 2010

Skoooooool FISH

For digital painting we got our first assignment - a fish; part 1 is just to paint in a greyscale; this is my first couple of hours: